ADE 2023 Application

Hi Friends! Well my ADE 2023 application has been submitted and the application window closes tomorrow. It was a very fast and furious race to the end, but I am happy to have gone through the process, whatever the result. Applying for the ADE program and creating the video, allows for you to reflect on your teaching practices. I was able to better see what impacts that I make at my school with both staff and students.

This time for reflection also helps me to identify area where I feel that I am deficient and in need of assistance. I noticed in the pictures and videos that I hade not labeled certain areas of my class, which has now been taken care of, yay me! Being a professional 3rd grader, until next school year when I teach 5th grade for the first time!, I would like to give myself two wishes and a star. Wish one - I wish that my students would be able to take their iPads with them, I think that would really expanded their creative options when doing an assignment, being limited to just the classroom and school grounds, you see a lot of the same items and scenery in all the assignments. Wish two - the my current students were introduced to creating with the iPad before reaching me. We spent a lot of time going over the basics of the iPad and the applications, it takes away from the precious limited time that we have. Now this may become a reality in the next school year when I begin to implement the Apple Learning Cycle on the earlier grades. Finally my star - I would have to say how well the Everyone can code curriculum is going with this class. They continue to amaze me with what they can do and how quickly they have picked it up. It really is a sight to see.


Getting Closer…..


Working the Data