Well, it happened yesterday afternoon, Apple sent out the emails to perspective ADEs. I was fortunate enough to have been chosen. I feel a deep gratitude for the recognition. I know that this is something I could not have achieved without the support and encouragement of the Apple Education Community.
I wish there was a way to recognize all the amazing educators that submitted an application. I know from personal experience that receiving the “not selected” email is hard emotionally: we invest a lot of time and effort in making the videos, hoping that we selected the correct innovations to share.
I was stunned when I received the selected email this afternoon, and after “talking” with other educators about what they are doing in their classrooms and school, I felt that maybe I had not shown as many innovations as I thought I had. After seeing previous ADE classes videos I began to think that maybe my video was not creative enough. In the end though it was and for that I am grateful.
For all of those who did not get selected in this round, do not give up. Keep innovating, sharing, and stay positive, your turn will come. Hopefully, it won’t be another 4 years until the next class.
For those who will be in Texas is summer, I am looking forward to meeting and working with you. I think that our world is about to get a lot bigger and brighter. I am honored to have been selected to be in a class with you.